If you’re looking to improve your bathroom organization, this post has it all! Everything you need to get your bathroom deep cleaned, decluttered, and organized – tips, tricks, tutorial, and free printables included.

Happy March! I feel like I was just dragging through January and February this year and am really hoping that March brings some of those energizing spring vibes! Hopefully, you were able to make some progress on your kitchen organization last month and have been enjoying all of the benefits of a cleaned and organized kitchen space. If you haven’t finished yet, schedule in the time you need and just get it done!
The March Household Organization Diet – Bathroom Organization
This month we’ll be working on the deep cleaning, decluttering and organizing the bathrooms. The timing works perfectly for me as we should be finishing up the bathroom renovations in the boys’ bathroom within the next couple of weeks. I can’t wait for the actual remodelling to be completed so I can get in there for all of the finishing touches. It’s been a long 2+ months and I need the boys OUT of the other bathrooms. lol! It always amazes me how much mess they can create.
For most of us, the bathroom is likely the first place we go when we get out of bed and the last place we go before heading off to sleep. Creating a calm and organized space can really help to start off your day on the right foot and end the day on a peaceful note. Mornings are busy enough without having to try to rummage through drawers and cabinets looking for what you need!
Take some time this month to really look at your bathroom spaces and see how they are serving you. Do you need all of the products and items that you have in there? Are your storage solutions working for you? Does the space function for where you and your family are at right now? A few simple tweaks can sometimes make a big difference!

The Household Organization Diet Plan
If you’re not familiar with The Household Organization Diet, it’s basically a year-long plan to work on decluttering, deep cleaning, and organizing every space in your home. Each month we work on a different room. Some spaces may need a lot of time and others will be easier. Just work at your own pace, do what you can, and feel free to adapt the plan to make it work for you. The key is to just get started!
At the beginning of each month, I post a free set of printables for the month including a task list, a blank task list for you to add your own tasks, a calendar, and a notes sheet. I recommend that you print these out and put them in a binder for frequent reference. You might even want to print two copies of the task sheet so you can hang one up on the fridge or other visible area of your home. You can read a little more below about how to use them.
I also always post some helpful tutorials and tips to help you complete each of your tasks. Be sure to pin or bookmark this post so you can read these over before you get started. I’ll be updating them throughout the month with any changes I’ve made and will be sure to let you know when I’m working on anything new. Please leave me a comment or email me if you have specific questions or ideas that you would find helpful to complete the tasks and keep you on track. I love to hear from you!

The March To Do List
Here are the tasks to work on in the bathroom this month. You can print out the list as shown below or print out a blank one and customize your own to do list.

March Calendar
I always like to schedule in my tasks for the month to give myself some accountability. Make your {realistic!} monthly plan and stick to it! Some people like to do a little each day and others like to block off a longer time period once per week {or even do it all in one long day!}. Do whatever works best for your time schedule and personality. Just WRITE IT DOWN! 🙂

March Notes
Keep a notes sheet {or two!} handy to jot down any projects, home improvement ideas, extra tasks, etc. that you would like to do. You might want to use one for tasks that you would like to do this month and a second sheet for future projects that you would like to do.

Bathroom Cleaning Tips
The bathroom is probably the one room in the house that I hate cleaning the most. {And, unfortunately, one of the spaces that needs the most cleaning!}. Follow these cleaning tips to help you keep on top of things and get the job done as quickly and painlessly as possible.
Bathroom Spring Cleaning Tips and Checklist
How to Deep Clean the Bathroom
Free Printable Cleaning Labels
The Ultimate Guide to Deep Clean the Toilet

Bathroom Organization Ideas
An organized bathroom space can really help to save you time in those busy mornings and create a more relaxing environment as you get ready for bed. Even if you feel like you already have a fairly organized space, it’s helpful to take a look at your organization systems every now and then and re-evaluate how they’re working – especially if you have a growing and changing family! Here are some helpful bathroom organization ideas for any sized bathroom space…
9 Easy Tips to Organize the Bathroom
20 Things to Declutter from the Bathroom
Small Bathroom Organization Ideas
Bathroom Organization Ideas
How to Declutter the Bathroom
Bathroom Makeover
DIY Storage Ladder

I hope that helps you and gives you a little bathroom organization inspiration! As always, if you have any questions, just let me know. For a little extra motivation, plan a home spa date with yourself once you’re finished! 🙂
YAY! Thanks for the tips AND the freebies!!
These are such helpful tips, and I love the printables! I also am in love with that last photo and the creative use of the stand! Thanks so much for sharing at Thursday Favorite Things!
Great Idea.
Thank you for this Bathroom Organization list! It’s spring break & I have the week off and plan on getting both bathrooms done.
That’s on my list too! Hoping to cram it all in next week at the end of our spring break!